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The lack of mental health services among K-12 rural students has received insufficient attention in the literature. This study systematically reviews the existing literature based on the guiding research question: “What is the state of the literature on telemental health services in rural K-12 schools in the United States since the pandemic?” We searched 14 independent databases to identify any literature on this topic. The initial search garnered N = 4,265 articles. After removing duplicates, the present systematic review identified N = 1,482 articles for review. The first round of screening included identifying articles based on the following inclusion criteria: articles published in the United States, empirical studies, written in English, involved the K-12 school system, focused on rural areas, mental health, and telehealth services. Initial results indicate this is an emerging area of research with little scholarship published since the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Sneed, Fantasia; Ryan, Sophia; Duncan, Eleanor; Yeganeh, Leyli Nouraei; and Ottens, Mack, "Exploring the Literature: A Systematic Review of Telemental Health Services for Rural K-12 Students" (2024). Research Days Posters 2024. 133.