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Community-engaged research holds numerous benefits for researchers and communities alike. This study aimed to investigate engagement efforts of CCPA faculty at Binghamton University with the Broome County community. Our research question was: How do CCPA faculty engage with the Broome County community in their research activities, and what institutional factors support or hinder their engagement efforts? Eight BU faculty members were selected through an initial investigation and contacted via email; these individuals received qualitative interview questions probing subjects such as dissemination of findings to the local community and promotion of community-engaged research within CCPA. We hypothesize that CCPA faculty currently exhibit limited engagement with Broome County, which could be remedied through social events providing opportunities for collaboration between faculty and community members. The implications of this study hold the potential to inform CCPA faculty practices related to community-engaged research, potentially fostering mutually beneficial relationships between academia and the local community.



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Community Engagement of CCPA Faculty with Broome County
