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Museum collections management and preparation refers to the physical and digital storage, display, record-keeping, and presentation of the objects for which a museum provides stewardship. The Binghamton University Art Museum provides student interns the opportunity to learn about these fields and conduct important work for the collection. The collections management interns each have individual projects that benefit the museum in different ways. This work ranges from researching and refining metadata on the museum’s website, identifying and processing donations and loans, accessioning objects and creating files in the museum’s database, and condition reporting. The preparator intern has the unique opportunity to learn the art of matting, framing, lighting, and presenting artworks. Performing this work enables the intern to understand how presentation impact’s a visitor’s experience intellectually and emotionally. All of the interns’ tasks help them understand museum operations, serve the institution’s goals, and provide contributions to the objects and visitors.
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Anglum, Jason; Quiles, Richard; Kim, Charlene; Lee, Marie; and Velez, Paige, "Collections Management and Preparation at the Binghamton University Art Museum" (2024). Research Days Posters 2024. 47.