
Northeast Journal of Complex Systems (NEJCS) is a peer-reviewed, online open-access journal on complex systems run by a community of complex systems researchers. We believe in the philosophy that the novel and premium idea should be accessible to the scientific community freely. Accepted authors can publish their work free of charge.

See the About This Journal for more information about the journal.



Enhancing Electrical Network Vulnerability Assessment with Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques
M Mishkatur Rahman, Ayman Sajjad Akash, Harun Pirim, Chau Le, Trung Le, and Om Prakash Yadav

DOI: 10.22191/nejcs/vol6/iss1/2


Multivariate Analysis of the Temporal and Spatial Correlations of the Global Human Rights Dataset
Amanda Goodrick, Skip Mark, Mikhail G. Filippov, David Cingranelli, and Hiroki Sayama

DOI: 10.22191/nejcs/vol6/iss1/3


Exploring Social Networks: An Analysis of Intra-organizational Networks
Ximeng Chen, Yiding Cao, Jiachen Liu, Danushka Bandara, and Hiroki Sayama

DOI: 10.22191/nejcs/vol6/iss1/6

Guest Editors

Erik Bollt (Clarkson University)

Jeremie Fish (Clarkson University)

Chunlei Liang (Clarkson University)

Golshan Madraki (Clarkson University)