
Aims & Scope

NEJCS solicits submissions of original manuscripts on a wide variety of complex systems research. Topics covered include (but are not limited to):

  • Theoretical foundations of complex systems
  • Nonlinear dynamics and chaos
  • Systems theory, information theory, and systems science
  • Game theory, decision theory, and socio-economical applications
  • Self-organization, pattern formation, and collective behavior
  • Structure and dynamics of complex networks
  • Sustainability and adaptability of complex systems
  • Bio-inspired systems, machine learning, and evolutionary computation
  • Data-driven approaches to complex systems
  • Applications to the humanities, art, and literature
  • Historical and philosophical aspects of complex systems
  • Complex systems and education

Topics may be specialized on a specific technical problem, or of interdisciplinary nature, typically addressing different aspects/applications of complexity. We aim to promote the research that encourages innovative ideas and critical thinking across disciplines. By following the standard guidelines and international ethical policies, we thrive to contribute to the fair and healthy development of scientific community.