Submissions from 2024
Saamaka: Protest Mapping and Ecology in Suriname, Giovanna Montenegro
ceramic studio practice ::the loving cup i::, Christopher Southward
Ceramic Studio Practice | Work Images of Greenware Underway | Southward Ceramics @ Studio Brand New |, Christopher Southward
Japanese-English Translation: Three Poems by Takeuchi Kozo: Death in Winter; To the North Sea; Sunset (「冬に死す」・「「北海に」・「夕焼け」), Translated by Christopher Southward, Christopher Southward
Japanese-English Translation:「翻訳について」、岸田國士著、一九三五年一月作 The Question Concerning Translation, by Kishida Kunio (Penned January 1935), Translated by Christopher Southward, November 2024, Christopher Southward
Submissions from 2023
Dissertation Chapters Underway: 10,000 Shards, Or Opening and Activating Depth: Handicraft, Value, and the Work of Art (Shards 00000-00001), Christopher Southward, Christopher Southward
Residency: International Writers' and Translators' House, Ventspils, Latvia, Christopher Southward
Submissions from 2022
Ceramic Studio Practice: bowlsofafternoonlight, Christopher Southward
Ceramic Studio Practice: bowlsofafternoonlight ii, Christopher Southward
Ceramic Studio Practice: bowlsofafternoonlight iii, Christopher Southward
Ceramic Studio Practice: :::bowls:of:black:love:i:::, Christopher Southward
Ceramic Studio Practice: :desert:sage+sand:, Christopher Southward
Ceramic Studio Practice :::everything:splatters:::, Christopher Southward
Ceramic Studio Practice: :::keepcalmandhavearelaxingcupofcafebonbon:::, Christopher Southward
Ceramic Studio Practice: Stoneware Bisque Bowls for Alberto Zalma Art, Santa Fe, NM, 2022 (i), Christopher Southward
Ceramic Studio Practice: Stoneware Bisque Bowls for Alberto Zalma Art, Santa Fe, NM, 2022 (ii), Christopher Southward
Ceramic Studio Practice: Stoneware Bisque Bowls for Alberto Zalma Art, Santa Fe, NM, 2022 (iii), Christopher Southward
Japanese-English Translation: Katayama Hiroko—Fifty-dollar Coffee (June 1953), Christopher Southward
Japanese-English Translation: Katayama Hiroko—Jesus and Simon Peter (June 1953), Christopher Southward
Submissions from 2021
Luiza Franco Moreira | Paiaiá na Conectados (ed.301), Luiza Franco Moreira and Carlos Silvio Ramos
Premises and Problems: Essays on World Literature and Cinema, Luiza Moreira
Ceramic Studio Practice: | COCA | Center of Contemporary Artists | Craft Lab | Grottaglie, Italy, Christopher Southward
Submissions from 2020
Antonio Candido: Restless intelligence, impeccable integrity, Luiza Franco Moreira
Japanese-English Translation: Kitaōji Rosanjin—Character (1953), Christopher Southward
Submissions from 2019
Course Syllabus (SP19) COLI 214B--Literature & Society: "A.I. and Other Radical Humanisms in Cyberpunk and Science Fiction", Christopher Southward
Course Syllabus (W19 Online) COLI 331T--Television Culture: "Lens, Mirror, Screen: Orwell's NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR", Christopher Southward
Japanese-English Translation: Kitaōji Rosanjin--A Few Words for Aspiring Potters, or Concerning the Relation of the Person to the Work of Art, Christopher Southward
Japanese-English Translation: Kitaōji Rosanjin—Why I Became a Potter (1933), Christopher Southward
Japanese-English Translation: Nishida Kitarō—Self-determination of the Expressive Self (May 1930), Christopher Southward
Submissions from 2018
“The Welser Phantom”: Apparitions of the Welser Venezuela Colony in Nineteenth and Twentieth-century German Cultural Memory.”, Giovanna Montenegro
Course Syllabus (FA18) COLI 110--World Literature I: "Worlds of Absurdity and Nothingness", Christopher Southward
Japanese-English Translation: "Absolute-contradictory Self-identity"--Nishida Kitarō, Translated by Christopher Southward, Christopher Southward
Submissions from 2017
“Conquistadors and Indians ‘Fail’ at Gift Exchange: An Analysis of Nikolaus Federmann’s Indianische Historia (Haguenau, 1557).” MLN, 132 (2017): 272-290., Giovanna Montenegro
“Indigenismo and Futurism in Latin America: José Carlos Mariátegui and the Peruvian Avant-Garde.”, Giovanna Montenegro
Course Syllabus (SU17) COLI 331: “‘World-traveling’: Alterity and Liminality in Spike Lee’s DO THE RIGHT THING and Amiri Baraka’s DUTCHMAN”, Christopher Southward
Course Syllabus (W17 Online) COLI 211M: "Superhero Film and Contemporary Culture", Christopher Southward
Submissions from 2016
Course Syllabus (W16 Online) COLI 331: "Pulp Fiction and Quentin Tarantino", Christopher Southward
Submissions from 2015
Simpósio Internacional 70 Anos de A Rosa do Povo (Mesa 2), Luiza Franco Moreira, Murilo Marcondes de Moura, and Simone Rossinetti Rufinoni
Course Syllabus (FA15) COLI 211 Literature & Psychology: "Material Aesthetics", Christopher Southward
Course Syllabus (SP15) COLI 214 Literature & Society: "Societies of Discipline and Control", Christopher Southward
Submissions from 2014
Course Syllabus (SP14) COLI 211 Literature & Psychology: "The Sublime, the Uncanny, and the Imagination", Christopher Southward
Submissions from 2013
Course Syllabus (FA13) COLI 211 Literature & Psychology: "Power, the Subject, and Technological Rationality", Christopher Southward
Submissions from 2012
Futurism in Venezuela: Arturo Uslar Pietri and the Reviews Indice and válvula, Giovanna Montenegro
Submissions from 2011
Songs and intellectuals: the musical projects of Alain Locke, Alejo Carpentier, and Mário de Andrade, Luiza Franco Moreira
Submissions from 2010
Contextos e pistas: um editorial de Pensamento da América, Luiza Franco Moreira
Frente Conjetural: escritores brasileños de izquierda y el Estado Novo, Luiza Franco Moreira
Venezuelan Avant-Garde: María Calcaño's Erotic Poetry, Giovanna Montenegro
Submissions from 1998
A lua e o domador: símbolos literários e divisões sociais na poesia nacionalista de Cassiano Ricardo e Leopoldo Marechal, Luiza Franco Moreira