Volume 1, Number 1 (2015)
A Note from Editors
Living on Highways
Alexa Dicken
Selections from the Summoning
Naomi Lane
Social Science
Morality of a Carbon Tax: Transition to a Sustainable Economy
Timothy Lamendola
Orgin of Subgap Features in Transparent Amorphous Oxide Semiconductors
Zachary Lebens-Higgins, Anne Dailey, and Louis Piper

About Cover Art
Each raindrop represents a form of academic and creative study. Just as rain is necessary for the development of life on Earth, research and creative activity are essential to nurturing sustainability.
Full Issue
- Managing Editor
- Mikhail-Ann Urquhart
- Editorial Board
- Janice McDonald
- Ashley Serbonich
- Rachel Coker
- Scott Craver
- Elizabeth Tucker
- Matthew Johnson
- Elizabeth Mellin
- Willam D. Spangler
- Carolyn Pierce
- Art Editor
- Tracy Liu