Volume 7, Number 1 (2021) Alpenglow: Binghamton University Undergraduate Journal
Issue Theme: Movement
In reading over the submissions for this issue, I was really struck by the connections between so many of them. Submissions addressed questions of identity and policy and, most importantly, the necessity for change within the systems of power that affect these issues. Such strong correlations reminded me about how active members of Binghamton’s student body are and how deeply they care about the politics and structures that affect both themselves and their communities. This realization inspired the theme of this 7th issue—movement. Movement of people, movement of ideas, and movement towards change and progress.A Note from Editors
Managing Editor's Note
Vanessa Jaeger
Demigods and Gender Roles: Non-Heteronormative Gender Expressions and the Works of Rick Riordan
Lee M. Witkowski
Elite Women as Tools of Power in First-Century C.E. Rome
Catherine Manolian
Social Sciences
Behind the Steel Bars of History: The Post-Civil Rights Era Radical Prison Movement
Stephen Perez Jr.
Child Labor, Compulsory Education, and the Women's Movement
Kassidy Chaikin
Outer Surface Protein C Typing of Borrelia burgdorferi in the Tick Populations of the Upper Susquehanna River Basin, New York
Neha Shaikh, Emilie Ernst, Ariel S. Makower, Christine M. Hurley, Ralph M. Garruto, and Michel Shamoon-Pour

A Message from Cover Art Designer, Addy Phoenix
Butterflies were the first thing that came to mind when I read the prompt about movement. They are beautiful creatures associated with hope and peace, and I wanted to incorporate that theme into the cover of the magazine. I hope my art welcomes readers to the wonderful research accomplished in the magazine.
- Managing Editor
- Dr. Vanessa Jaeger
- Assistant Editors
- Adelaide Cagle
- Dr. Lynn Schmitt
- Editorial Board
- Dr. Vanessa Jaeger
- Dr. Valerie Imbruce
- Dr. Robert Holahan
- Ariella Patchen
- Elizabeth A Brown
- Adelaide Cagle
- Cover Art Design
- Addy Phoenix