
Submissions from 2025


Further Comparisons of Extinction, Counterconditioning, and Novelty-facilitated Extinction: ABA vs. ABC Renewal Designs, Jérémie Jozefowiez, Audrey Huff, Lucas Petruzzo, Kimberly Casey, James E. Witnauer, and Ralph R. Miller

Submissions from 2024


Experimental data for: "Effects of network connectivity and functional diversity distribution on human collective ideation", Yiding Cao, Yingjun Dong, Minjun Kim, Neil G. MacLaren, Sriniwas Pandey, Shelley D. Dionne, Francis J. Yammarino, and Hiroki Sayama


How Communities Respond to Industrial Pollution, Jacqueline Jergensen and Sara Velardi


Renewal in the Cognitive and Emotional Domains: Comparing Novelty-Facilitated Extinction with Counterconditioning and Extinction, Jérémie Jozefowiez, James E. Witnauer, Yaroslav Moshchenko, Cameron M. McCrea, Kristina A. Stenstrom, and Ralph Miller


Renewal of Retroactive Interference in Pavlovian conditioning: The Effect of Outcome Valence on Expectancy Learning and Evaluative Conditioning, Jérémie Jozefowiez, James E. Witnauer, Kristina A. Stenstrom, Audrey Huff, and Ralph R. Miller


Data for: "Polyethylene polymer type and soil properties determine impacts of microplastic pollution on arugula growth", Noah P. Walsh, Ella Beaghen, Abigail Kane, Leilani M. SantoDomingo, Daniel Watson, and Christina S. Baer

Submissions from 2023


“‘From ‘El Grado de Felicidad’ to ‘Cuán Feliz Se Encuentra’: Improving Spanish Translations of Relationship Measures”, Quinn Hendershot MS, Karen Aizaga PhD, Antonio J. Polo PhD, Bryan Kirschen PhD, and Matthew D. Johnson PhD


Associative interference and nonreinforcement in human contingency learning, Jérémie Jozefowiez, James E. Witnauer, Jovin Huang, Jared W. Silverstein, Samuel Woltag, Sarah J. Chew, and Ralph Miller


Data to accompany "Altered heat-avoidance behavior following damage to the extended architecture of Mexican jumping bean moth larvae (Cydia saltitans)", Anna Purtell and Lindsey Swierk


Alma - Circulation Statistics, David Schuster


Data to accompany: How does rapid body color change affect the conspicuity of lizards to their predators and conspecifics?, Lindsey Swierk and Andrés Rojo

Submissions from 2022


Immunoregulator stability/Freeze-thaw-cycle validation study data set 1, Risana N. Chowdhury


Renewal in the cognitive and emotional domains: comparing novelty-facilitated extinction with counterconditioning and extinction, Jérémie Jozefowiez, James E. Witnauer, Yaroslav Moshchenko, Cameron M. McCrea, Kristina A. Stenstrom, and Ralph Miller


Jozefowiez & Miller, C over T raw data, Ralph Miller and Jérémie Jozefowiez


PG-7 RPG in Three Environments, Madison Tuohy and Timothy de Smet


Hyperspectral Imaging PFM-1 Landmine, Madison Tuohy, Timothy De Smet, and Jalissa Pirro


PFM-1 Antipersonnel Landmines from Three Optical Sensors and a Derivative Data Product, Madison Tuohy, Timothy de Smet, and Jalissa Pirro


Spectral Profiles of TM62 and VPMA-3 ERW, Madison Tuohy, Timothy de Smet, and Jalissa Pirro

Submissions from 2021


Raw data from experiment 1, 2, and 3 from Jozefowiez, Urcelay, and Miller, Jérémie Jozefowiez, Gonzalo P. Urcelay, and Ralph Miller


Dataset for Faunal Analyses of Biry House Food Remains, Castroville, TX, Kathryn Maupin


Miquez & Miller, Interference in blocking, raw data, Exp 1 and Exp 2, Ralph Miller and Gonzalo Miguez


Data to accompany: "Keeping it cool to take the heat: Tropical lizards have greater thermal tolerance in habitats with lower ambient temperatures", Lindsey Swierk

Submissions from 2020


Scatterable Landmine Detection Project Dataset 19, Jasper Baur, Tim De Smet, Alex Nikulin, and Gabriel Steinberg


Scatterable Landmine Detection Project Dataset 10, Jasper Baur, Timothy de Smet, Alex Nikulin, and Gabriel Steinberg


Scatterable Landmine Detection Project Dataset 11, Jasper Baur, Timothy de Smet, Alex Nikulin, and Gabriel Steinberg


Scatterable Landmine Detection Project Dataset 12, Jasper Baur, Timothy de Smet, Alex Nikulin, and Gabriel Steinberg


Scatterable Landmine Detection Project Dataset 13, Jasper Baur, Timothy de Smet, Alex Nikulin, and Gabriel Steinberg


Scatterable Landmine Detection Project Dataset 14, Jasper Baur, Timothy de Smet, Alex Nikulin, and Gabriel Steinberg


Scatterable Landmine Detection Project Dataset 15, Jasper Baur, Timothy de Smet, Alex Nikulin, and Gabriel Steinberg


Scatterable Landmine Detection Project Dataset 16, Jasper Baur, Timothy de Smet, Alex Nikulin, and Gabriel Steinberg


Scatterable Landmine Detection Project Dataset 18, Jasper Baur, Timothy de Smet, Alex Nikulin, and Gabriel Steinberg


Scatterable Landmine Detection Project Dataset 20, Jasper Baur, Timothy de Smet, Alex Nikulin, and Gabriel Steinberg


Scatterable Landmine Detection Project Dataset 21, Jasper Baur, Timothy de Smet, Alex Nikulin, and Gabriel Steinberg


Scatterable Landmine Detection Project Dataset 22, Jasper Baur, Timothy de Smet, Alex Nikulin, and Gabriel Steinberg


Scatterable Landmine Detection Project Dataset 23 (Control, no mines), Jasper Baur, Timothy de Smet, Alex Nikulin, and Gabriel Steinberg


Scatterable Landmine Detection Project Dataset 24 (Control, no mines), Jasper Baur, Timothy de Smet, Alex Nikulin, and Gabriel Steinberg


Parasite susceptibility in an amphibian host is modified by salinization and predators, Nicholas Buss and Jessica Hua


Effects of different roadway deicing salts on host-parasite interactions: the importance of salt type, Nicholas Buss, Kiersten Nelson, Jessica Hua, and Rick Relyea


Effects of polyester microplastic fiber contamination on amphibian-trematode interactions, Nicholas Buss, Brianna Sander Ms., and Jessica Hua Dr.


Phenological shifts in amphibian breeding influences offspring size and response to a common wetland contaminant, Nicholas Buss, Lindsey Swierk, and Jessica Hua


Direct and indirect effects of a common cyanobacterial toxin on amphibian-echinostome dynamics, Nicholas Buss, Matthew Wersebe, and Jessica Hua


The Integration of Lidar and Legacy Datasets Provides Improved Explanations for the Spatial Patterning of Shell Rings in the American Southeast, Dylan S. Davis, Robert Dinapoli, Matthew Sanger, and Carl Lipo


Scatterable Landmine Detection Project Dataset 6, Timothy de Smet, Alex Baur, and Jasper Baur


Scatterable Landmine Detection Project Dataset 1, Timothy de Smet, Alex Nikulin, and Jasper Baur


Scatterable Landmine Detection Project Dataset 2, Timothy de Smet, Alex Nikulin, and Jasper Baur


Scatterable Landmine Detection Project Dataset 3, Timothy de Smet, Alex Nikulin, and Jasper Baur


Scatterable Landmine Detection Project Dataset 4, Timothy de Smet, Alex Nikulin, and Jasper Baur


Scatterable Landmine Detection Project Dataset 5, Timothy de Smet, Alex Nikulin, and Jasper Baur


Scatterable Landmine Detection Project Dataset 7, Timothy de Smet, Alex Nikulin, and Jasper Baur


Supplemental Material for: A model-based approach to the tempo of “collapse”: The case of Rapa Nui (Easter Island), Robert J. Dinapoli, Timothy M. Reith, Carl P. Lipo, and Terry L. Hunt


Testing the Babble Hypothesis: Speaking Time Predicts Leader Emergence in Small Groups, Neil G. MacLaren, Francis J. Yammarino, Shelley D. Dionne, Hiroki Sayama, Michael D. Mumford, Shane Connelly, Robert W. Martin, Tyler J. Mulhearn, E Michelle Todd, Ankita Kulkarni, Yiding Cao, and Gregory A. Ruark


Aeromagnetic Surveys to Detect MBRL Unexploded Ordnance Dataset 1, Alex Nikulin and Timothy de Smet


Aeromagnetic Surveys to Detect MBRL Unexploded Ordnance Dataset 2, Alex Nikulin and Timothy de Smet


The effect of intensified illuminance and artificial light at night on fitness and susceptibility to abiotic and biotic stressors, Grascen Shidemantle


Impact of NaCl tolerance on the stress physiology and fitness of larval wood frogs (Rana sylvatica), Grascen Shidemantle, Nicholas Buss, and Jessica Hua


Institutional origins of COVID-19 public health protective policy response (PPI) data set v. 1.2 (countries), Olga Shvetsova, Abdul Basit Adeel, Michael Catalano, Olivia Catalano, Frank Giannelli, Ezgi Muftuoglu, Tara Riggs, Mehmet Halit Sezgin, Naveed Tahir, Julie VanDusky-Allen, Tianyi Zhao, and Andrei Zhirnov


Institutional origins of COVID-19 public health protective policy response (PPI) data set v. 1.2 - regional U.S. and Canada, Olga Shvetsova, Abdul Basit Adeel, Michael Catalano, Olivia Catalano, Frank Giannelli, Ezgi Muftuoglu, Tara Riggs, Mehmet Halit Sezgin, Naveed Tahir, Julie VanDusky-Allen, Tianyi Zhao, and Andrei Zhirnov


Scatterable Landmine Detection Project Dataset 8, Gabriel Steinberg, Jasper Baur, Alex Nikulin, and Timothy de Smet


Scatterable Landmine Detection Project Dataset 9, Gabriel Steinberg, Jasper Baur, Alex Nikulin, and Timothy de Smet


Size-assortative mating in explosively breeding species: a case study of adaptive male mate choice in an anuran, Lindsey Swierk

Submissions from 2019


Visual Gender Cues Guide Crossmodal Selective Attending to a Gender-Congruent Voice During Dichotic Listening: Supplemental materials, Ralph R. Miller, Cody W. Polack, and Zekiel Z. Factor

Submissions from 2018


A comparison of automated object extraction methods for mound and shell-ring identification in coastal South Carolina, Dylan S. Davis, Carl P. Lipo, and Matthew Sanger


Automated mound detection using LiDAR and Object-Based Image Analysis in Beaufort County, SC, Carl P. Lipo, Matt Sanger, and Dylan Davis

Submissions from 2017

La Playa Archaeological Project, Timothy DeSmet, Paula Hertfelder, and Randall H. McGuire


Dijon Book Inventories, Edward J. SHEPHARD Jr.

Submissions from 2016

The Pukao of Rapa Nui (Easter Island, Chile), Carl P. Lipo, Sean W. Hixon, Terry L. Hunt, and Christopher Lee


Broome County Inventory Database, Julian Shepherd

Submissions from 2014


Combinatorial Structure of the Deterministic Seriation Method with Multiple Subset Solutions, Mark E. Madsen and Carl P. Lipo

Submissions from 2010

Immunocompetence and the Hygiene Hypothesis datasets, Katherine Wander

Submissions from 2006


Frequency and Occurrence Seriation Excel Macros, Carl P. Lipo and Timothy D. Hunt