Open Access Journals and Monographs

The Libraries can host research and student journals on The ORB; priority will be given to journals that are open-access and peer-reviewed. The Libraries will facilitate training with bepress on using the journal interface, submission, and editorial processes. For more information see Open Access Journal Publishing

Binghamton University Undergraduate Journal

ISSN 2998-3754

Special Issue of the Binghamton University Undergraduate Journal on the Source Project stream "Disinformation and Naiveté" is published! Read it on the link under Source Project Special Issues.

Submissions for the 2024-25 Binghamton Undergraduate Research Journal are closed for the 2024-2025 annual issue. Thank you to all who submitted this year!

Binghamton University Undergraduate Journal showcases the broad spectrum and outstanding quality of undergraduate research, scholarly investigation, and creative work in various formats: traditional papers, works of fiction, videos, images, and recordings. The journal is published annually and is blind reviewed by Binghamton University's faculty, staff, and undergraduate students.

Gobernar: The Journal of Latin American Public Policy and Governance

ISSN 2474-2678


Gobernar: The Journal of Latin American Public Policy and Governance is a biannual, open access and peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the publication of original articles that present qualitative or quantitative research, case studies, survey articles, studies of effective pedagogy, conceptual framework, analytical models, and empirical research, as well as book reviews. Gobernar aims to build a debate about governance outside the traditional contexts of strong states and well-ordered societies. It seeks submissions of papers that have Latin-American relevance or significance for Latin Americanists around the world. The journal is devoted to the dissemination of research articles from the broad range of disciplines related to Public Policy and Governance. It aims to provide an intellectual platform for scholars in those fields.

Gobernar: The Journal of Latin American Public Policy and Governance is a collaborative publication of Universidad EAFIT and Binghamton University, in association with the Inter-American Network of Public Administration Education (INPAE).


Gobernar: The Journal of Latin American Public Policy and Governance es una revista semestral, de acceso abierto y arbitrada que se enfoca en la publicación de trabajos inéditos y originales que presenten avances o resultados de investigaciones cualitativas o cuantitativas, estudios de caso, artículos de revisión, estudios de pedagogía efectiva, marcos teóricos, modelos analíticos e investigaciones empíricas, así como reseñas de libros. De esta forma Gobernar procura contribuir en la construcción de un debate sobre gobernanza por fuera de los contextos tradicionales de estados fuertes y sociedades bien ordenadas. Recibe propuestas de artículos que tengan relevancia en América Latina o para Latinoamericanistas alrededor del mundo. La revista está dedicada a la difusión de artículos de investigación desde el amplio rango de disciplinas relacionadas con las políticas públicas y la gobernanza. Procura proveer una plataforma intelectual para académicos interesados en los temas y disciplinas de la revista.

Gobernar: The Journal of Latin American Public Policy and Governance Una publicación conjunta entre la Universidad EAFIT y Binghamton University, en asocio con la Red Inter-Americana de Educación en Administración Pública (INPAE).

Harpur Palate: a Literary Journal

Established in 2001, Harpur Palate is a literary journal published twice yearly by students at Binghamton University. The project has long been a joint effort of graduate and undergraduate students in the English Department, and is now led by PhD students with the support of undergraduate interns--who earn college credit and learn about literary publishing at the same time.

The first issues of Harpur Palate published only fiction and poetry. The magazine currently accepts submissions for poetry, creative nonfiction, and fiction, but this open access archive will also include visual art, photo essays, and interviews from past issues. The magazine runs three annual contests with cash prizes: Creative Nonfiction (Sept 1-Nov 15), John Gardner Memorial Prize in Fiction (Feb 15-April 30), and the Milton Kessler Memorial Poetry Prize (Sept 1-Nov 15).

In its back issues, Harpur Palate has works from such notable authors as Major Jackson, Lydia Davis, Sherman Alexie, and more. Future editors of major publications have also served on the staff at Harpur Palate, such as current co-editor of North American Review J.D. Schraffenberger. Now that the magazine has made the transition to an all-online publication, the editors look forward to publishing new and innovative works on our online platform, Harpur Palate

Northeast Historical Archaeology

ISSN 0048-0738

The Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology (CNEHA), founded in 1967, is a non-profit organization dedicated to archaeological scholarship in the American Northeast, including the Canadian provinces and the U.S. states of Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Newfoundland and Labrador, New Brunswick, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Northeast Journal of Complex Systems (NEJCS)

ISSN 2577-8439

Northeast Journal of Complex Systems (NEJCS) is a peer-reviewed, online open-access journal on complex systems run by a community of complex systems researchers. We believe in the philosophy that the novel and premium idea should be accessible to the scientific community freely. Accepted authors can publish their work free of charge.

See the About This Journal for more information about the journal.

The Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy Newsletter

The Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy (SAGP) was established December 28, 1953, in Rochester, NY and wsa initially known as the Presocratic Society. The idea for the Society began with a conversation between George Burch, Constantine Cavernos, and R.K. Sprague at a meeting of the Eastern Division of the American Philosophical Association in 1952. SAGP considers the distributions of papers (in advance of their meetings) as one of its most important functions. The distribution has supported the high standard of writing and discussion. Paper contributions to the Society newsletter were traditionally invited, but in the 1990s they transitioned to a peer-review model. This is the first time a digital archive of their newsletters has been compiled and made available to the general public. ISSN Print 2475-6865.