Submissions from 2024
Connecting the Global Library, Simone Clunie, Meghan Lenahan, and Halie Kerns
Servant Leadership in the Periodical Literature of Librarianship, Simone Clunie and Darlene Parrish
Review: Careers in Music Libraries IV, edited by Misti Shaw and Susannah Cleveland, David Floyd
Alternative Vocabularies: What to do when LCSH isn't enough, Sasha Frizzell
Concerning Classification: American Alternative Classification Systems 1930 - Today, Sasha Frizzell
Learning Together: Tech Services Linked Data Roundtable, Sasha Frizzell
ORCID for our Researchers! and Potential impacts!, David Schuster
Submissions from 2023
What We Did Then and What We Do Now: A Crisis of Digital Scholarship Champions at Binghamton University, Ruth Carpenter and Amy Gay
Digital scholarship at Binghamton, Ruth Carpenter and Amy E. Gay
Teaching for now and planning for later: balancing a user-friendly web and sustainability practices as digital scholarship librarians, Ruth Carpenter and Amy E. Gay
Equitable Sustainability Literacy Guide: Creating a Resource Guide to Educate on Environmental Problems through a Social Justice Lens, Jennifer K. Embree, Neyda Gilman, and Jacqueline Jergensen
Creators for the Earth: The Academic Library’s Role in Supporting Sustainability Creators and Practitioners Across All Disciplines, Jennifer K. Embree and Neyda V. Gilman
Crafting the Future of Chat Reference: Assessing for Quality in Cooperative Chat Reference, Elise Ferer and Jennifer Lege Matsuura
Classification from the margins : three alternative classification systems, 1930-1975, Sasha Frizzell
Changing the Racial Demographics of Librarians, Curtis L. Kendrick
The Efficacy of ChatGPT: Is it Time for the Librarians to Go Home?, Curtis L. Kendrick
By Any Measure: The Racial Demographics of Librarians, Curtis L. Kendrick and Ioana G. Hulbert
Alma - Circulation Statistics, David Schuster
Call numbers, oh call numbers on ebooks, why have you forsaken us!, David Schuster and Sasha Frizzell
Submissions from 2022
Digital Scholarship Needs Assessment: Binghamton University 2022, Ruth Anne Carpenter
Speculative futurity: Generating imaginary landscapes and monstrosities from science fiction covers, Ruth Anne Carpenter
Queer, Digital, Codicology: Pope Joan, MS Hunter 5 and queering medieval books, Ruth Carpenter and Bridget Whearty
Soaring into the Future of Chat Reference: Assessing for Quality in Cooperative Chat Reference, Elise Ferer
Composers' collected works: a case study in remote work compatible catalog maintenance, David Floyd
Collaborative Institutional Repository Projects with the Campus Community, Caitlin Holton and Erin Rushton
Preserving Music Recitals at Binghamton University Libraries, Erin Rushton
A Library Website Redesign in the Time of Covid, Erin Rushton and Bern Mulligan
A Library Website Redesign in the Time of COVID A Chronological Case Study, Erin Rushton and Bern Mulligan
Submissions from 2021
Digital scholarship services on a budget: using open source methods for growth of research sharing, Amy Gay
The Different Flavors of Research Impact: A Tasting of Traditional and Alternative Bibliometric Assessment Tools, Neyda V. Gilman and Jennifer K. Embree
Whipping up an Online Research Profile: How to Promote & Manage Your Research for Improved Science Communication, Neyda V. Gilman and Jennifer K. Embree
Alma oh Alma how might thee help me?, Rachel Turner, David Schuster, Caryl Ward, and Sarah Maximiek
Submissions from 2020
The Library as a Campus Sustainability Hub: A Case Study in Increasing Community Engagement & Collaboration in Sustainability through Academic Libraries, Jennifer K. Embree and Neyda V. Gilman
Analyses of the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine: Molecular Machinery for Cellular Oxygen Level Response, Neyda V. Gilman
Analyses of the 2020 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine: taking the hepatitis C virus from mystery killer to preventable and treatable disease, Neyda V. Gilman
Got Misinformation? Critically Evaluating Sources for Credibility, Accuracy, and Usefulness, Neyda V. Gilman and Julia Glauberman
Communicating health information: hidden barriers and practical approaches, Kayce M. Shealy and Neyda V. Gilman
Submissions from 2019
A wizard with many hats: the eclectic role of digital scholarship librarians, Amy E. Gay
Using a content management system for student digital humanities projects: a pilot run, Amy E. Gay
Analysis for Science Librarians of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine: The Life and Work of James P. Allison and Tasuku Honjo, Neyda V. Gilman
Filling the Cabinets with Nutritious Information, Neyda V. Gilman
Natural Medicines, Neyda V. Gilman
Introduction to 2018 Special Libraries Association (SLA) Annual Conference Presentations on ACRL Frameworks in STEM Fields, Neyda V. Gilman and Laura Palumbo
Citation Management Tools, Undergraduate Research Practices, and the Myth of the Digital Native, Julia Glauberman
Cost per Use Overvalues Journal Subscriptions, Curtis L. Kendrick
Rosetta Initiatives at Binghamton University Libraries, Erin Rushton, Jesse Russell, and David Schuster
Carts in the Hallway: Cataloging and Special Collections–A Partnership for Success, David Schuster and Rachel Turner
It's automagic technically once the stars align : 3rd party integrations, import and publishing profiles with Alma, David W. Schuster and Marian Stern
Submissions from 2018
No longer on the outside looking in: how an embedded librarian can enhance digital pedagogy, Amy E. Gay
Expanding digital collections at Binghamton University Libraries, Amy E. Gay and Erin Rushton
The evolving institutional repository--the teenage years, Amy E. Gay and Erin Rushton
Submissions from 2017
Blending collaborations and bridging gaps: digital preservation communities of practice - NDSR lightning talks, Amy Gay, Meredith Broadway, Joe Carrano, Charlotte Kostelic, and Megan Potterbusch
They are more like guidelines: reflections on best practices from new professionals, Amy Gay, Joe Carrano, Charlotte Kostelic, and Megan Potterbusch
Analysis for Science Librarians of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine: The Life and Work of Yoshinori Ohsumi, Neyda Gilman
A Faculty–Librarian Collaboration Success Story: Implementing a Teach-the-Teacher Library and Information Literacy Instruction Model in a First-Year Agricultural Science Course, Neyda Gilman, Jimena Sagas, Matt Camper, and Andrew Norton
Exploring the Value of Citation Management Tools in the Academic Library, Julia Glauberman
Information Literacy Portfolio for Curriculum Mapping, Julia Glauberman and Jeff McAdams
Movements Toward an Open Research Culture, SfAA Presentation, Anne Larrivee
Dijon Book Inventories, Edward J. SHEPHARD Jr.
Submissions from 2016
The Atomic Renaissance: the Emergence of American Mystery Writers, Beth Turcy Kilmarx
Now Streaming: A Consortial PDA Video Pilot Project, Sheryl Knab, Tom Humphrey, and Caryl Ward
When Open Isn't Accessible, Anne Larrivee, Nazely Kurkjian, Andrea MacArgel, and Amanda Baker
Submissions from 2015
Comparing Electronic vs. Print Book Preferences Between Students in the Social Sciences, the Arts and STEM, Lee Cummings, Anne Larrivee, and Leslie Vega
Guidelines for Cataloging Unpublished Screenplays, Laura N. Evans
Exploring the Enjoyment of Learning by Making, Anne Larrivee
Submissions from 2014
How to Use Existing Residential Networks to Promote the Value of the Library, Benjamin Andrus and Anne Larrivee
Reading Habits Across Disciplines: A Study of Student E-book Use, Lee Cummings, Anne Larrivee, and Leslie Vega
The New York City DOE/CUNY Library Collaborative: Bridging the Gap Between High School and College, Curtis L. Kendrick, Leanne Ellis, Lisa Castillo Richmond, Sharae D. Brown, Robert Farrell, Alison Lehner-Quam, Nathan Mickelson, and Mehgann Walk
The City University of New York: 24 Colleges, 5 Boroughs, 1 Collection, Curtis L. Kendrick, Angela Sidman, and Susan Vaughn
Exploring the Stressors of New Librarians, Anne Larrivee
Integrating Theory into Library Instruction to Help Students Understand Themselves, Anne Larrivee
Promoting the Value of Special Collections: A Subject Librarians' Approach, Anne Larrivee and Leslie Vega
A Librarian as a Managing Editor, Erin E. Rushton
Submissions from 2013
Reaching Out to Minority Librarians: Overcoming Diversity Challenges through Mentorship, Ava Brillat, Melody Royster, Margeaux Johnson, Anne Larrivee, and Lori Driver
Collaboration for Hard Times, Curtis L. Kendrick and Irene Gashurov
Libraries in the Time of MOOCs, Curtis L. Kendrick and Irene Gashurov
All Work and No Play: New Reference Librarians and Stress, Anne Larrivee
Librarians: How Would We Like to See Ourselves, Anne Larrivee
Librarians’ Preference of Virtual Meeting Platforms, Anne Larrivee and Katherine Elson Anderson
“Testing Primo at Binghamton University Libraries: Heuristics and Usability”, Erin Rushton and Molly O'Brien
Submissions from 2012
For Whom the Catalog Serves: Library Catalog Tools' Usefulness for Readers Advisory, Anne Larrivee and Ava Brillat
Submissions from 2011
The Goodness in the Evil of SEO: Why Search Engine Optimization Matters to Information Professionals, Erin Rushton
Submissions from 2010
MBA Student Library Collaboration: Progress and Pitfalls., Colleen Hailey and Jill Dixon
Coding into the Great Unknown: Analyzing Instant Messaging Session Transcripts to Identify User Behaviors and Measure Quality of Service, Sarah Maximiek, Elizabeth Brown, and Erin Rushton
Submissions from 2009
A season of change: How science librarians can remain relevant with open access and scholarly communications initiatives, Elizabeth Brown
The William J. Haggerty collection of French colonial history, Edward J. SHEPHARD
Submissions from 2007
To Perpetuity ... And Beyond, Curtis L. Kendrick
Connecting to Students: Launching Instant Messaging Reference at Binghamton University., Sarah Maximiek, Elizabeth Brown, and Erin Rushton
Submissions from 1996
The Competitive Advantage of Librarians: Core Competencies for Document Delivery, Curtis L. Kendrick
Submissions from 1991
Performance Measures of Shelving Accuracy, Curtis L. Kendrick